Online: Baduanjin Qigong – A Traditional Chinese Exercise

Balancd 同衡 interpreted traditional Kung Fu from a scientific viewpoint to create a health-enhancing exercise programme by combining Shaolin basics with Baduanjin.

Part 1 – Shaolin Basic Training

Shaolin basic training is effective in improving balance, flexibility, lower body strength and cardio-respiratory function.

Part 2 – Baduanjin Qigong

Baduanjin is an ancient Qigong practice. It combines breathing exercises, stretching and muscle training into a set of low impact exercises for the whole body.

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Free Admission

Once you’ve registered, we will send you a Zoom link.

This session is suitable for all ages at all levels.

About the practitioners:

Grandmaster Lung Kai-ming 龍啟明師父
Veteran Kung Fu Master, Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner systemised the Northern Shaolin Martial Arts, and generously shares with all who wish to learn.
武學泰斗、註冊中醫師 將家傳北少林武學系統化,公諸於世,傾囊相授。

Professor Chung Sheung-chee Sydney 鍾尚志教授
Endoscopic Surgeon; Former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong Explores the secrets of Qigong for health through a scientific perspective.
微創外科醫生、前中文大學醫學院院長 用客觀科學的眼光,探討養生氣功的奧秘。

Chung Chui-shan Sara 鍾翠珊
UX Designer, Certified Instructor in Northern Shaolin Baduanjin Uses modern design concepts to create a program that is intuitive.
UX設計師、北少林認證八段錦導師 以現代化、人性化的設計,打造出易懂易學的課程。

📆 Date: Saturday, 26th Sep 2020
🕒 Time: 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM (GMT+8)
📍 Where: Zoom and Facebook Live The Hive Hong Kong
💳 Fee: Free

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